Aaron's practice draws upon 20+ years in Flagstaff in the counseling and therapy profession.

With a Masters degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University and training in Bio-Energy and Reflexology, Aaron has worked as a counselor and therapist in schools, healthcare facilities, and privately. His personal practice of Buddhist meditation, mindfulness, and Jewish mystical arts has informed his work with individuals, couples, and families

Aaron Flagstaff Headshot | Aaron L. Cohen Mindful Consulting Flagstaff - go beyond therapy

However, the credentials are merely the outer layer. 

All the studies and practices were born out of a desire to understand the self. A family tragedy when he was 20 sent him on a search of “What’s the point?” This led to explorations of family systems and dynamics, and into the workings of the human psyche. Western psychology, Eastern philosophy, Jewish mysticism – all plumbed to understand the self.

In exploring self and family Aaron came to understand his actions in the world were based on old beliefs and patterns developed since birth to deal with his family system.

As a child, the patterns developed were helpful, but with no other reference point they became a solidified belief - the ego. These beliefs - fed and supported by the mind - continued to be played and replayed to the detriment of self and health. It became obvious to him that this was indeed the case with most people on the planet and the only way out was to reclaim control of the mind. 

By learning to go within, reclaim control of his mind, understand the workings of his own family system, watch and accept the feelings he so long tried to avoid, has Aaron quieted himself enough to be of service and share these insights and techniques with others in need.

Born in Winnipeg, Canada, Aaron was raised in a traditional Jewish household, attending Jewish school through Grade 12. There he got his beginning in Jewish philosophy and Hebrew from which he has built on over the years. He left Winnipeg at age 20 and lived in Jerusalem, San Francisco, and New Orleans, then returned to Israel where he stayed the rest of his 20s studying Reflexology and Bio-Energy and beginning to practice Vipassanna meditation. 

Having moved away from traditional Judaism for lack of soulful connection,  Aaron was introduced to esoteric Jewish practices in Israel. This opened up a whole new avenue of study and connection to his root religion, which he soon understood had the depth and mystical nature of the Eastern religions. As this understanding blossomed, he felt the great drought and exodus of the modern Jew from Judaism. The hidden aspects had been hidden too well. Like the ego overlays the true self, modern Judaism clouds the true nature of Judaism. From this awareness Aaron has worked to understand, incorporate, and share the deeper aspects of Judaism in his work.

At age 30 he attended Naropa University to deepen in his understanding of Western and Eastern psychology and to formalize his practice as a therapist. Upon graduation he began practicing as a therapist in Flagstaff, AZ in a variety of settings, including The Guidance Center as a Substance Abuse counselor, in Flagstaff schools, and on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations where he worked with children and families, focusing on the family system and guiding individuals of all ages to greater control of mind.

Aaron has now moved beyond treating diagnosis and made the shift towards guidance. Therapy and counseling live in the realm of psychology and diagnosis, whereas guidance is an open space which encourages a completely different approach. The guidance is rooted in mindfulness.